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Note Design Studio

Founded in 2008 by Johannes Carl­ström and Cris­tiano Pigazz­ini, Note Design Studio has become a dynamic force in the design world. Based in Stock­holm, the studio is renowned for its collab­o­ra­tive ethos and versa­tile port­fo­lio, encom­pass­ing archi­tec­ture, inte­ri­ors, furni­ture, and beyond.

Note Design Studio draws inspi­ra­tion from Scan­di­navi­a’s rich legacy of crafts­man­ship, weaving contem­po­rary narra­tives that cele­brate local natural resources and tradi­tional tech­niques. The studio’s creative process involves various talents, ranging from graphic and product design­ers to archi­tects. This inter­dis­ci­pli­nary collab­o­ra­tion ensures a fusion of ideas and constantly infu­sion of the unex­pected into their designs.

One of Note Design Studio’s distin­guish­ing features is its delib­er­ate avoid­ance of a singu­lar visual iden­tity, embrac­ing a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary approach that allows for diverse creations. While visual styles may vary, func­tion­al­ity remains a central tenet in every project. The studio’s commit­ment to func­tion is deeply embed­ded, guiding the explo­ration of each piece’s expres­sions, propor­tions, and mate­ri­als. Through this approach, every design is envi­sioned in various settings, serving diverse needs and enriched by subtle details that trans­form the ordi­nary into the extraordinary. 


Designs by Note Design Studio (1)