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Oliver Schick

Oliver Schick, a designer who studied product design in Saar­brücken, has estab­lished himself as a versa­tile creative force in design. He began his career as a free­lance designer and later founded his design studio in 2005. Schick’s work spans a spec­trum, moving between projects with an inves­tiga­tive char­ac­ter and more func­tional assign­ments. He values the narra­tive char­ac­ter and visual impact in his commis­sioned work, ensur­ing that every­day items, whether furni­ture or uten­sils, are neither dull nor predictable. Schick draws inspi­ra­tion from diverse influ­ences, navi­gat­ing between the pure func­tion­al­ism of Bauhaus and Dieter Rams and the more expres­sive and free-spir­ited approach of design­ers like Ingo Maurer.


Designs by Oliver Schick (1)