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Patrick Norguet


Patrick Norguet is a French designer born in 1969. His work spans collab­o­ra­tions in the fashion indus­try, indus­trial design, and inte­rior design. His vast knowl­edge of mate­ri­als and manu­fac­tur­ing has a substan­tial influ­ence on his eclec­tic design aesthetic. Norguet is inspired by creat­ing projects that embrace inno­va­tion and simplic­ity, as well as playing with alter­na­tive ideas for every­day objects. He often exam­ines both the func­tion of an object as well as the place­ment and setting to inform his design inspi­ra­tion. Norguet has collab­o­rated with Tacchini, Kristalia, Cassina, Alias, and Tolix on a variety of design projects.


Designs by Patrick Norguet (6)