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Italy (1979)

Tech­no­log­i­cal light­ness, versa­til­ity, inno­va­tion. Since 1979 these have been the over­rid­ing values of Alias, one of the most consol­i­dated names of Italian design. Values that have driven the firm’s close asso­ci­a­tion with some renowned designer signa­tures. Collab­o­ra­tions that have devel­oped and grown through the years, and in the course of which, Alias has managed to reveal the pecu­liar talent of each designer. Conducted in an ongoing exchange of sugges­tions and ideas, and a constantly open-minded approach to the use of new mate­ri­als and technological experimentation.

Of partic­u­lar signif­i­cance is the solid indus­trial struc­ture of a firm that controls each phase of the process, from design to produc­tion and distri­b­u­tion. Alias, located in Grumello del Monte, close to Bergamo, can now count on a distri­b­u­tion network of around 1000 stores in 50 coun­tries through­out the world. Context Gallery has been a trusted partner with Alias for over a decade.


Designs by Alias (3)