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Piet Boon


Born in the Nether­lands in 1958, Piet Boon beau­ti­fully blends elegant lines, natural mate­ri­als, and supe­rior func­tion. Trained as a contrac­tor, his work is always prac­ti­cal and approach­able, but he also infuses each product or project with a sense of luxury achieved through a metic­u­lous eye for detail. Boon approaches his multi­dis­ci­pli­nary work with the finest crafts­man­ship and mate­ri­als so that every piece or project feels relaxed, comfort­able, and timeless.

Since 1983, Boon has offered archi­tec­ture, inte­rior design, and furni­ture design services through his Amster­dam-based firm, Studio Piet Boon. Notable furni­ture and light­ing include the Round Boon and the Square Boon light fixtures for Moooi, as well as the quilted Kekke seating series and plush Kent chair. Long a house­hold name in the Dutch design scene, his work has a wide global appeal. Indeed, his archi­tec­ture and inte­ri­ors work includes a number of new luxury resi­den­tial devel­op­ments in the U.S., includ­ing the Oosten, 101 Wall, and Huys build­ings in New York, along with hotels, restau­rants, offices, and private resi­dences around the world.


Designs by Piet Boon (84)