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  2. Piet Boon Studio
Piet-Boon-Studio-Context Gallery
Oak Valley Resi­den­tial Resort, 2010

Piet Boon Studio

The Netherlands (1983)

Studio Piet Boon was founded in 1983 and creates bespoke contem­po­rary archi­tec­ture, inte­ri­ors, and product designs. Renowned world­wide for its excep­tional crafts­man­ship, quality, and vision. Studio Piet Boon initially started as a small design prac­tice in the tradi­tional village of Oost­zaan near Amster­dam and special­ized in the design of tailor-made homes.

In 1986 Karin Meyn joined the company as Creative Direc­tor of Inte­rior & Styling. Together Karin and Piet lead and inspire a sizable dynamic and creative inter­na­tional team of expe­ri­enced profes­sional design­ers, archi­tects, and stylists.

Over the years, the company has grown into a glob­ally oper­at­ing design Studio and has, since its creation, acquired an impres­sive port­fo­lio of private, corpo­rate, hospi­tal­ity, and resi­den­tial & busi­ness devel­op­ment clients. Since 2005 Studio Piet Boon has created a high-end luxury furni­ture collec­tion and designs a wide range of inte­rior mate­ri­als such as floor­ing, hard­ware, light­ing, and table­ware. The latest addi­tion is the Piet Boon Kitchens.

True to their roots, the design studio and global head­quar­ters are based in the Amster­dam area. This is also the home of our flag­ship show­room, where our guests can appre­ci­ate the unique brand expe­ri­ence, a total concept of the inte­rior, and exte­rior design, includ­ing Kitchen concepts, furni­ture, and styling. Context Gallery has been a trusted partner with Piet Boon Studio for over 10 years.


Designs by Piet Boon Studio (84)