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Stefan Diez


The crafts­man­ship of carpen­try profoundly influ­ences Stefan Diez’s work. Born in 1971 in Freisin, Germany, the indus­trial designer grew up in a house­hold of 4th gener­a­tion carpen­ters. He spent three years as a cabinet maker before attend­ing the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart, where he studied under Richard Sapper. In 2002, he founded his studio, and by 2008 created DIEZ OFFICE. Diez became a profes­sor of indus­trial design at the Univer­sity of Arts and Design Karl­sruhe in 2007, teach­ing there until 2014. He then joined the School of Indus­trial Design Lund, Sweden in 2015 and contin­ued to teach as the head of Indus­trial Design ID1 at Die Ange­wandte in Vienna. Diez’s indus­trial design work includes furni­ture, table­ware, and home acces­sories. He often collab­o­rates with various manu­fac­tur­ers includ­ing e15, Emu, HAY, Rosen­thal, Thonet, Vibia, Wagner, and Wilkhahn.


Designs by Stefan Diez (11)