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Germany (1995)

e15 furni­ture stands for progres­sive design coupled with high-grade mate­ri­als and inno­v­a­tive produc­tion methods. e15 caters to a global home and contract market, e15 main­tains a compre­hen­sive approach to inte­ri­ors. Its strong foun­da­tion in archi­tec­ture and design is defined by the unique back­grounds of its co-founders, archi­tect Philipp Mainzer and designer and art direc­tor Farah Ebrahimi. In close collab­o­ra­tion with a coterie of design­ers, archi­tects, and artists, e15 devel­ops orig­i­nal prod­ucts and supports artis­tic state­ments that reflect the brand’s embrace of diverse cultures and disciplines.

Named after the postal code of its first work­shop in London, the company was founded in 1995. A radical simplic­ity marked the debut of the collec­tion and would signif­i­cantly shape the brand’s aesthetic approach. With essen­tial forms baring all natural mark­ings and char­ac­ter­is­tics, e15 has estab­lished a leading repu­ta­tion for the pioneer­ing use of solid wood. Among its offer­ings are design clas­sics such as the BIGFOOTtable and the BACKEN­ZAHN stool, both designed by Mainzer in the mid-1990’s. These icons stand out for their geomet­ric simplic­ity, unique details, and cele­bra­tion of wood in its purest form.

Today, the company holds a world­wide network of premium retail­ers as well as flag­ship show­rooms in Frank­furt and Milan. For the produc­tion of the collec­tion, e15 works with special­ized work­shops mainly in Germany as well as other selected Euro­pean coun­tries and adheres to envi­ron­men­tal stan­dards, an inte­gral element of its prod­ucts. Context Gallery has been a trusted partner with e15 for over 10 years.


Designs by e15 (82)