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Anthony Guerrée

Anthony Guerrée was educated at the École Boulle in Paris, where young talents are schooled in the fine and applied arts, and crafts­man­ship plays a central role. Fasci­nated by the inte­rior design­ers of the 30s, Anthony joined Studio Andrée Putman in 2010, where he worked with the best makers’ in the world in shaping world-class interiors. 

In 2015, Anthony went to work for designer Christophe Delcourt, assist­ing him in design­ing his Delcourt Collec­tion furni­ture and contribut­ing to Christophe’s collab­o­ra­tions with brands such as Minotti, Collec­tion Parti­c­ulière, and CC-Tapis.

In 2020, Anthony Guerrée ventured out inde­pen­dently and devel­oped a unique signa­ture. His first furni­ture collec­tion was inspired by Marcel Proust’s À la recher­ché du temps perdu. Each of the sculp­tural chairs embod­ies the char­ac­ter of one of the protag­o­nists. These pieces tell a story because each of Anthony’s designs is more than simply func­tional. His designs are the tangi­ble, flaw­less results of the dynam­ics between tradi­tion and innovation.


Designs by Anthony Guerrée (5)