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Gijs Papavoine


Gijs Papavoine studied at the insti­tute of tech­nol­ogy and Eind­hoven Academy for Indus­trial Design, Product Design depart­ment. Gijs was employed as a Product Manager at Montis until 1990. In this capac­ity, he was jointly respon­si­ble for Montis’ design philos­o­phy. In 1990, Gijs was promoted to the lead designer of Montis.

Since 2009 Gijs has worked as an inde­pen­dent designer for various national and inter­na­tional compa­nies. My roots are indus­trial design, not art. The designs are pure by their simplic­ity, yet versa­tile. Being uncom­pli­cated is the power of my designs. Strong graphic elements, supple­mented with flowing forms, char­ac­ter­ize my work. A perfect mix of pure lines and func­tion­al­ity. The start­ing point is always to reduce the concept to a logical solution. ”

I start with a general, rough idea, work and plan like a sculp­tor, leaving the essen­tial features of the design. My designs are there­fore uncom­pli­cated, logical and practical.


Designs by Gijs Papavoine (3)