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Jan te Lintelo

Jan te Lintelo was born in 1954 into a family of furni­ture retail­ers in Haaks­ber­gen in the eastern part of The Nether­lands. Growing up, Jan was surrounded by the beau­ti­ful furni­ture from his paren­t’s shop. This meant he under­stood arti­sans’ and archi­tects’ skills and extra­or­di­nary crafts­man­ship from an early age.

Jan studied furni­ture manu­fac­tur­ing at the HMC in Rotter­dam, special­iz­ing in crafts­man­ship, creativ­ity, and trade entre­pre­neur­ship, and worked in sales for Dutch cabi­net­maker Pastoe and the famous uphol­stery factory Gelderland.

In 1994, he started his own company and created his furni­ture collec­tion. Using his expe­ri­ence in manu­fac­tur­ing combined with the feed­back and wishes from his clients, he designed the first collec­tion, quickly becom­ing one of the most success­ful modern furniture collections.


Designs by Jan te Lintelo (6)