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Max Lipsey

Max Lipsey, born in Santa Barbara, embarked on a creative journey that led him to the Nether­lands. After complet­ing a liberal arts study in New York, he contin­ued his educa­tion at the Design Academy Eind­hoven, grad­u­at­ing in 2007. Follow­ing his studies, Lipsey estab­lished his studio in Eindhoven.

Lipsey’s design process involves a hands-on explo­ration of mate­ri­als. Before putting pen to paper, he thor­oughly acquainted himself with the mate­r­ial, exper­i­ment­ing, bending, sawing, and feeling until he under­stood its prop­er­ties inside and out. This curious and crafts­man-like approach is reflected in his designs.

In addi­tion to creat­ing his produc­tion designs, Lipsey has garnered atten­tion for his work on specific inte­rior and furni­ture projects, where he aims to under­stand how an object engages in a dialogue with its envi­ron­ment. His versa­tile and hands-on approach to design has contributed to his repu­ta­tion in the field.


Designs by Max Lipsey (1)