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Philippe Starck


Philippe Starck has a mission and a vision: creation, what­ever shape it takes, must make life better for the largest number of people possi­ble. Starck believes this highly poetic, polit­i­cal, rebel­lious, benev­o­lent, prag­matic and subver­sive duty must be borne by all and he resumes it with the humor that has accom­pa­nied his approach since the earli­est days. Despite his thou­sands of projects — completed or in the making — he remains commit­ted to never forget­ting the essential.

Starck possesses an antic­i­pa­tory concern for envi­ron­men­tal impli­ca­tions. His profound compre­hen­sion of contem­po­rary muta­tions, his enthu­si­asm for imag­in­ing new lifestyles, his deter­mi­na­tion to change the world, his devo­tion to a posi­tive reduc­tion, his love of ideas, his desire to defend the intel­li­gence of useful­ness — and the useful­ness of intel­li­gence — have accom­pa­nied one iconic creation after the other. His tech­no­log­i­cal mira­cles are vectors of demo­c­ra­tic ecology, focused on action and a respect for the future of both humans and nature. Predict­ing the phenom­ena of conver­gence and dema­te­ri­al­iza­tion, Philippe Starck has always devised objects that demand the most from the least. 

Philippe Starck is all of the above, but above all, he is a man of honesty, in the purest tradi­tion of the Renaissance artists. 


Designs by Philippe Starck (14)