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Noah Bed

c. 2001

by Philippe Allaeys
for e15

Noah Bed

by Philippe Allaeys
for  e15

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Intro­duc­ing the Noah Bed, a master­ful creation by Philippe Allaeys for e15, avail­able in Amer­i­can queen and king sizes, promis­ing an instant trans­for­ma­tion of any space. This bed rede­fines the concept of a bed frame, resem­bling a substan­tial, deep-welled recti­lin­ear tray” that cradles the mattress.

Crafted from solid wood with a recti­lin­ear form, the Noah Bed intro­duces an intrigu­ing contrast — a sense of hard­ness” in its mate­r­ial compo­si­tion — against the expected soft­ness” of the mattress. This juxta­po­si­tion elevates the design to a new level of sophistication.

Adding to its allure, two under­side runners lift the frame 2.4″ above the floor, creat­ing a capti­vat­ing illu­sion that the Noah Bed is grace­fully float­ing” in space.

Expe­ri­ence the Noah Bed, where form meets func­tion in a harmo­nious blend of elegance and inno­va­tion, promis­ing both comfort and style for your restful sanctuary.


Philippe Allaeys


Born in Belgium, Philippe Allaeys is an architect, furniture designer, and creative director. He spent the first years of his career as a freelance architect, designing residential, corporate, retail, and hospitality projects. Allaeys established the ZO Group in the 1980s, a creative company that focused on furniture design. By 1992, he established APHA Furniture, where he is now the creative director. Allaeys focuses his designs on the inherent properties of the material and minimal designs. Much of his furniture work is in wood, and he developed various pieces for e15, including the ISAAC folding tables, the NOAH bed, the THEO tray, and two side tables: ALEX and LEILA.

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