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July Carpet

by Muller Van Severen
for Kvadrat

July Carpet

by Muller Van Severen
for  Kvadrat

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The July carpet, designed by Muller Van Severen for Kvadrat, draws inspi­ra­tion from the natural fleece of a sheep, partic­u­larly evoking the short, neat fleece char­ac­ter­is­tic of high summer after shearing.

July exhibits a beau­ti­fully organic appear­ance and texture through an inno­v­a­tive patent-pending produc­tion process. This process involves finish­ing the rug using water, heat, natural soap, and mechan­i­cal fric­tion. As the pile yarns inter­act and connect during produc­tion, the need for latex backing typi­cally used on tufted rugs is elim­i­nated. This process avoids using addi­tional chem­i­cals in the backing and makes the carpet easier to recycle at the end of its lifespan.

The July rug’s final pile thick­ness is random and vivid, creat­ing an organic shift from one texture to another. Each rug boasts a unique pattern, adding to its indi­vid­u­al­ity and natural charm. Addi­tion­ally, the corners of the rectan­gu­lar rugs feature a slightly organic look, further enhanc­ing the rug’s natural expression.

July is designed for light to moder­ate resi­den­tial and commer­cial use, offer­ing aesthetic appeal and prac­ti­cal­ity for various spaces.


Muller Van Severen


Belgian duo Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen began working together in 2011. As artists, Muller being a photographer and Van Severen being a sculptor, they are best known for their simple geometric lines and appreciation of materials. Their distinct minimalism has birthed a furniture collection under their combined name, Muller Van Severen, that speaks to art and the function of design.

With materials as the starting point, Muller Van Severen has a fondness for mediums like polyethylene and brass-- both that are used frequently in their works, including the sculpturally interesting four piece Cutting and Serving Boards.

The couple have been on a quest to characterize their works by careful research into their shared passion for art, architecture and materials. At the same time, Muller Van Severen’s designs appear to be created almost intuitively and with total effortlessness.

After winning awards and collaborating with prestigious museums and galleries worldwide, including a group show at the Galerie Kreo in 2014, Muller Van Severen continues to explore the boundaries between art and design in a contemporary and innovative way. All of Muller Van Severen’s own production pieces are handmade with an honesty to the rawness and irregularity of the chosen material.

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