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Kazimir Table

c. 2017

by Philipp Mainzer
for e15

Kazimir Table

by Philipp Mainzer
for  e15

or Call to Order

The KAZIMIR table, designed by Phillip Mainzer for e15, is a strik­ing fusion of bold geomet­ric forms and exclu­sive mate­ri­als like Euro­pean oak, unfilled traver­tine, galva­nized zinc, brushed brass, and powder-coated steel. This unique design takes inspi­ra­tion from Supre­ma­tist compo­si­tions, result­ing in a gener­ously propor­tioned table that ranges in length from approx­i­mately 2000mm to 3600mm. Its versa­til­ity makes it suit­able for both private and public spaces.

In addi­tion to the stan­dard KAZIMIR table, e15 also offers the KAZIMIR RAW’ version. This iter­a­tion show­cases solid wood boards with widths of up to 250mm, reveal­ing the brushed natural edges of the wood. This design choice empha­sizes the raw, natural beauty of the materials used.

The construc­tion of the KAZIMIR table aligns with e15’s core philos­o­phy of consis­tent, forward-think­ing design, employ­ing high-quality mate­ri­als and inno­v­a­tive hand­crafted produc­tion methods. This results in a unique and visu­ally capti­vat­ing piece of furni­ture that can enhance various environments.


Philipp Mainzer


Born in Germany, Philipp Mainzer studied product design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, and architecture at the Architectural Association both in London. In 1995 he co-founded the modern furniture brand e15. Having established the progressive, enduring philosophy and unique branding of e15, he has received international awards for many of his designs, which are identifying icons for e15 and part of several permanent exhibitions in museums. Parallel to the creation of e15, Mainzer practiced architecture in New York and continues to do so since his return to Germany in 2001. He is a member of the executive committee of German Design Council and regularly gives lectures on architecture, design, and branding.

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