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Richard Ginori 1735

Part of Kering Group since 2013, Ginori 1735 has always been asso­ci­ated with outstand­ing figures of fashion, art, design, archi­tec­ture, film, and décor. Manu­fac­tur­ing creations repre­sent a perfect blend between heritage and inno­va­tion. They include table­ware collec­tions, art and living objects, gifts, flat­ware, drink ware, textile arti­cles, and a passion for Italian culture, color, art, and gracious hospi­tal­ity. The iconic crown that marks the back of table­ware in some of the finest homes and most exclu­sive restau­rants world­wide stands for the most sophis­ti­cated merging of craft and art. This bold combi­na­tion of taste has always been at the heart of the brand. Over centuries, Manu­fac­tur­ing evolved its process and produc­tion, bring­ing together ancient tech­niques and a new world view to produc­ing home­wares under the direc­tion of vision­ar­ies. The Ginori 1735 mission is to forward a modern Renais­sance, a rebirth and redis­cov­ery of every­day life’s plea­sure, personal expres­sion, and art. Today, the Ginori 1735 world is shaped by an assort­ment of voices, opin­ions, and styles. It rein­vests its legacy with the vision of the next gener­a­tion of cutting-edge style masters that bring art into every­day life and every­day life into art. Ginori 1735 counts on a distri­b­u­tion network that includes: Florence and Milan flag­ship stores, one mono-brand store in Moscow, selected dealers in Italy, and a pres­ence in high-level Depart­ment Stores and multi-brand Specialty Stores worldwide.


Designs by Richard Ginori 1735 (3)