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Bimu Low Tables

c. 2020

by Bart Vos
for Linteloo

Bimu Low Tables

by Bart Vos
for  Linteloo

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Intro­duc­ing the Bimu Low Tables, a creation by the accom­plished Dutch designer Bart Vos for Linteloo. Bimu presents itself as a multi­fac­eted master­piece, seam­lessly trans­form­ing from console to coffee table or into an elegant, stream­lined bench with an optional cushion.

Crafted with metic­u­lous atten­tion to detail, Bimu embod­ies unpar­al­leled versa­til­ity. Whether serving as a plat­form for cher­ished volumes, a show­case for capti­vat­ing art, or a compan­ion for a strik­ing state­ment lamp, Bimu effort­lessly harmo­nizes with its surroundings.

The grain’s inher­ent rich­ness is magni­fied through the option of stains and varnishes, elevat­ing the visual allure to new heights.


Bart Vos

Bart Vos is preceded by at least three generations of furniture makers. Talk about design being part of your genetic makeup: his father was renowned designer Henk Vos, and one of his brothers is equally renowned designer Roderick Vos.

It was only a couple of years since Bart graduated from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague when his father asked him—aged just 24—to design the ground-breaking Maupertuus building for the Vos emporium in Groningen.

Today, Bart is Vos Interieur’s creative director, responsible for interior design projects in the Netherlands and abroad. And he regularly turns his hand to furniture for various international brands. His awareness of and interest in ‘the real world’ outside the confines of a showroom or studio shines through in his stunning yet utterly usable designs.

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