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Pab Storage System

c. 2009

by Studio Kairos
for B&B Italia

Pab Storage System

by Studio Kairos
for  B&B Italia

or Call to Order

Studio Kairos designed the Pab Storage System for B&B Italia, which was born from a simple yet bril­liant concept: a folded sheet restrained by deli­cate ties trans­formed into a versa­tile book­shelf and top. What began as a modest design has evolved into a compre­hen­sive collec­tion, show­cas­ing various config­u­ra­tions and finishes in its current iteration.

The Pab Storage System has expanded beyond its initial form, now encom­pass­ing an array of storage units, multi­pur­pose benches, and shelf and back panels. This exten­sive range allows for endless possi­bil­i­ties and tailor-made solu­tions to meet your specific storage require­ments.

The sleek and mini­mal­is­tic design effort­lessly blends with various inte­rior styles, offer­ing seam­less inte­gra­tion into any space. With its customiz­able config­u­ra­tions and made-to-measure options, this system elevates your storage capa­bil­i­ties while main­tain­ing a contem­po­rary and elegant aesthetic.


Studio Kairos


Kairos in classical Greek translates into an expression meaning: the right place, the right time, the right fit. The concept of kairos in Ancient Greece was defined as way of working or designing and Studio Kairos was founded in 1980 based upon applying this concept of kairos within the fields of architecture and industrial design. The firm is composed of its principals Joseph Manete and Abramo Mion. Manete was born in Mestre, Italy in 1947 and graduated in 1972 with a degree in architecture; Mion was born in Mirano, Italy in 1951 and attended both engineering in Padua as well architecture in Venice.

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