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Friday Sofa

by Formstelle
for Zeitraum

Friday Sofa

by Formstelle
for  Zeitraum

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The Friday Sofa designed by Form­stelle for Zeitraum features a wooden frame in solid oak or walnut that is high­lighted by a pattern cut back detail in your choice dark grey, light grey, chest­nut, natural, dark brown or black saddle leather. For added comfort, soft downy cush­ions in a wide variety of textile or leather options rest on a sophis­ti­cated spring action mech­a­nism. Avail­able in a two and three seat option as well as a lounge chair listed sepa­rately. Suit­able for resi­den­tial or contract use the Friday Sofa is designed to last a lifetime.

Form­stelle is a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary design firm with a focus on inte­rior design, product design, and corpo­rate iden­tity. The result is custom-made prod­ucts, inte­ri­ors, and archi­tec­ture. Founded in 2001 by Claudia Kleine and Jörg Kürschner, both, grad­u­ates from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with degrees in Inte­rior Design, they provide compre­hen­sive concepts that bring company goals into an authen­tic, unique and spatial dimen­sion. Form­stelle provides art direc­tion for compa­nies along with brand strat­egy and orien­ta­tion as well as furni­ture and product design that is accom­pa­nied by an exten­sive research and exper­i­men­ta­tion. An in-house dedi­cated model work­shop enables the further research toward design, detail, and crafts­man­ship for prod­ucts with the construc­tion of proto­types. From compre­hen­sive analy­sis to plan­ning and prop­erty support to accep­tance, Form­stelle assists with all facets of the design process. At Context, we offer a wide variety of prod­ucts designed by Form­stelle for the German brand Zeitraum. Our favorites include the Simple and Fusion beds along with the Morph and Friday series lounge chairs.

Zeitraum, a German furni­ture brand, was founded in Wolfrat­shausen near Munich in 1990. Special­iz­ing in solid wood furni­ture with an empha­sis on sustain­abil­ity and contem­po­rary design. Their focus is predom­i­nantly furni­ture made with wood sourced from local sustain­able sources. Prod­ucts are char­ac­ter­ized by sleek, mini­mal­ist designs, with an unsur­passed atten­tion to detail. Their chairs, tables, beds and other collec­tions can be found in high-end resi­den­tial projects as well as commer­cial spaces such as hotels, restau­rants, and offices around the world.

Please call CONTEXT at 800.886.0867 to review finish and uphol­stery options as well as asso­ci­ated pricing and lead times.




Formstelle is a multidisciplinary design firm with a focus on interior design, product design, and corporate identity. The result is custom-made products, interiors, and architecture. Founded in 2001 by Claudia Kleine and Jörg Kürschner, both, graduates from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with degrees in Interior Design, they provide comprehensive concepts that bring company goals into an authentic, unique and spatial dimension. Formstelle provides art direction for companies along with brand strategy and orientation as well as furniture and product design that is accompanied by an extensive research and experimentation. An in-house dedicated model workshop enables the further research toward design, detail, and craftsmanship for products with the construction of prototypes. From comprehensive analysis to planning and property support to acceptance, Formstelle assists with all facets of the design process. At Context, we offer a wide variety of products designed by Formstelle for the German brand Zeitraum. Our favorites include the Simple and Fusion beds along with the Morph and Friday series lounge chairs.

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