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Denmark (2010)

&Tradition helps keep the widely cher­ished legacy of Danish modernism alive while intro­duc­ing new prod­ucts that offer a contem­po­rary bent. Martin Kornbek Hansen founded the company in 2010 as a way to reissue designs by Verner Panton. Among the designs, he brought into produc­tion are the Topan pendant from 1960, Panton’s first mass-produced light­ing design, and the Flow­er­pot lamp from 1969. Both Panton creations set the tone for the brand’s commit­ment to time­less, modern products.

The company contin­ues to reissue beloved clas­sics while bolster­ing a new gener­a­tion of design talents. Known for support­ing rising voices, the brand collab­o­rates with a range of inter­na­tional design­ers, includ­ing Jaime Hayon, Space Copen­hagen, Sofie Refer, Benjamin Hubert, Ander­ssen & Voll, and Luca Nichetto. &Tradition sees each partner as a bold thinker who approaches design with an avant-garde sensi­bil­ity, not unlike that of the Danish design greats of the prior century. The manu­fac­turer also contin­ues to memo­ri­al­ize designs from the past. For instance, the company produces the iconic Mayor sofa designed by Arne Jacob­sen and Flem­ming Lassen in 1939, as well as Jacobsen’s Belle­vue light­ing collec­tion of 1929.

Dedi­cated to main­tain­ing the prin­ci­ples of Nordic design, &Tradition places empha­sis on mate­ri­al­ity, form, and craft. The company simul­ta­ne­ously explores age-old produc­tion tech­niques and cutting-edge processes that push the bound­aries of furniture design. 


Designs by &Tradition (95)